งานวิจัย (Publications)
Publication Details
Publication Name Application of Pinhole Plasma Jet Activated Water against Escherichia coil, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and Decontamination of Pesticide Residues on Chili (Capsicum annuum L.)
First Author Asst. Prof. Dr.Choncharoen Sawangrat,
Author Assoc. Prof. Dr.Yuthana Phimolsiripol, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Komgrit Leksaku, Asst. Prof. Dr.Sa-nguansak Thanapornpoonpong, Prof. Dr.Dheerawan Boonyawan, MissPhanumas Sojithamporn, Maria Lavilla, Juan Manuel Castagnini, Francisco J. Barba
Corresponding Author Assoc. Prof. Dr.Yuthana Phimolsiripol, Francisco J. Barba