(2020 - 2024)
- Mongkolkittaveepol, P., Phongthiya, T., Meekarm, C., Kanjanarajit, J. (2023). Simulation Study: Continuous Production Process of Seaweed Production. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2023), 1148 - 1152.
- Phongthiya, T., Hirunsothorn, W., Pattanasak, P., Sopadang, A., Anantana, T. (2024). Impact of contextual factors on new product development process: evidence from a large company in Thailand.Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 13(1): Article number 30.
- Phongthiya, T., Malik, K., Niesten, E., Anantana, T. (2022). Innovation Intermediaries for University-Industry R&D Collaboration: Evidence from Science Parks in Thailand. Journal of Technology Transfer, 47(6): 1885-1920.
- Boonmee. C., Kasemset, C., Phongthiya, T. (2022). Layout design of outpatient department: simulation study and implementation. Logforum, 18(2): 137-148.
- Maka T., Kasemset, C., Phongthiya, T. (2022). Intra-Hospital Patient Transportation System Planning using Bi-level Decision Model. Logforum. 18(2): 237-246.
- Tharakhum P., Kasemset, C., Phongthiya, T. (2021) Applications of Bi-level Decision-making Technique to Manage Inventory and Transportation System: Case study of Wholesaler in Chiang Mai Province. Thai Journal of Operations Research. 9(2): 36-46.
- Kasemset, C., Phongthiya, T., Laoprasert, P. (2014). Application of Simulation Technique in Out-going Cars Analysis: Case Study of PPT Gas Station Gate, Chiang Mai University. Journal of Thai VMCL, 7(1): 51-60.